On Wednesday, January 25th, CDC Foundations program representative, Caitlyn Gudmensen, came to conduct a site visit with SEAHEC, as we are one if its grantees for its national “Partners 4 Vaccine Equity” program.
Receiving funding awards in 2021 and in 2022, SEAHEC has worked tirelessly with its community partners to promote community understanding of the importance of the COVID 19 vaccine in the prevention of transmission of COVID. As part of its outreach strategy, SEAHEC community health workers participate in local events, like the one captured here in the photo, at a recent health fair at the Nogales Senior Center. Through the CDC Foundation grant specifically, SEAHEC work focused on our “Vacunas Para Todos” initiative – whereby CHWs/known as promotores, do one-on-one outreach, support and education with recently-arrived migrants, with our partners at the Casa Alitas program, in Tucson, AZ.
To date, the program has reached over 2,300 people with education and support. As well, SEAHEC refers migrants to a vast array of services in their destination communities – including with our AHEC partners in Miami/Dade County AHEC, New York Brooklyn/Queens/Long Island AHEC and Mid Rio Grand Valley AHEC in Texas, as well as other locations. CHWs connect people with educational resources, health services and more.
Ycied Talavera, Vacunas para Todos CHW Supervisor shares her perspective, “Our work helps connect migrants and asylum seekers to needed resources, when they arrive here in the United States. We assure that people have their COVID vaccine, information that they understand, in the language that they speak. AND we connect them to resources in the communities that they will be going to. Through our support, we have served thousands families in the past two years. I am proud of the work we have done and I believe in the mission of SEAHEC!”

SEAHEC staff, and CDC Program representative Caitlyn Gudmensen,
at Nogales Senior Center Health Fair.